
How do you rebrand a tourism agency?

How do you rebrand a tourism agency?

Geographic Destination is a tourism agency that provides customized tours by local experts for travellers of all ages, budgets and tastes. Moon Rabbit analyzed their existing business model and their target customer to recognize and position the brand appropriately. Below is a summary of our deliverables.

  • Brand Strategy: Research of the market, customer characteristics, business attributes for building the brand. Restructured the foundation of the brand including defining core values, strengths and mission.
  • Brand Identity: Design brand elements – logo, colour palette, fonts, visual imagery and content tonality.
  • Photography: Selection & editing of the photographs for the defined visual image of the brand.
  • Website: Complete art direction & content creation of the website and promotional banners.
  • Digital Marketing: Development of social media strategy & content for the brand launch online.
  • Offline Marketing: Created business cards, letterhead & conceptualized various marketing ideas.

We also developed a yearlong marketing timeline to guide Geographic Destination through the first phase of relaunching their brand.

Moon Rabbit logo in white

Moon Rabbit Strategy is a dynamic agency focused on problem solving via brand building, conceptual designing & advertising.